Public Function create_employee(
ByVal first_name As String, ByVal last_name As String, _
ByVal login_name As String, ByVal password As String, _
ByVal site_id As String, ByVal e_mail As String, _
ByVal phone As String, ByVal pager As String, _
ByVal online_priv_class As String, ByVal offline_priv_class As String, _
ByVal Id As String, ByVal is_active As Boolean, _
ByVal allow_proxy As Boolean, ByVal start_date As String, _
ByVal supervisor As String, ByVal work_group As String, _
ByVal work_group_start As String, ByVal labor_rate As String, _
ByVal is_supervisor As Boolean, ByVal is_fe As Boolean, _
ByVal normal_biz_high As String, ByVal normal_biz_mid As String, _
ByVal normal_biz_low As String, ByVal after_biz_high As String, _
ByVal after_biz_mid As String, ByVal after_biz_low As String, _
ByVal def_wipbin_title As String, ByVal rc_config As String, _
ByVal def_tablespace As String, ByVal temp_tablespace As String, _
ByVal int_fld1 As String, ByVal int_val1 As Long, _
ByVal int_fld2 As String, ByVal int_val2 As Long, _
ByVal str_fld1 As String, ByVal str_val1 As String, _
ByVal str_fld2 As String, ByVal str_val2 As String, _
ByVal date_fld1 As String, ByVal date_val1 As String) As Integer
Public Function create_employee_list(
ByVal first_name As String, ByVal last_name As String, _
ByVal login_name As String, ByVal password As String, _
ByVal site_id As String, ByVal e_mail As String, _
ByVal phone As String, ByVal pager As String, _
ByVal online_priv_class As String, ByVal offline_priv_class As String, _
ByVal Id As String, ByVal is_active As Boolean, _
ByVal allow_proxy As Boolean, ByVal start_date As String, _
ByVal supervisor As String, ByVal work_group As String, _
ByVal work_group_start As String, ByVal labor_rate As String, _
ByVal is_supervisor As Boolean, ByVal is_fe As Boolean, _
ByVal normal_biz_high As String, ByVal normal_biz_mid As String, _
ByVal normal_biz_low As String, ByVal after_biz_high As String, _
ByVal after_biz_mid As String, ByVal after_biz_low As String, _
ByVal def_wipbin_title As String, ByVal rc_config As String, _
ByVal def_tablespace As String, ByVal temp_tablespace As String, _
Optional fld_list As Variant, Optional type_list As Variant, _
Optional val_list As Variant) As Integer
This API creates an employee in Clarify. It actually creates an employee record, a user record, and a wipbin record. In addition, it creates a user/login in the database system tables.
Note: If you wish to create an employee without creating a user at the database level, set the FCINTER.UseDatabaseLogins property to False.
Parameter Name Required? Description
first_name Yes Employee First Name
last_name Yes Employee Last Name
login_name Yes Employee Login Name
password Yes Employee's Password
site_id Yes Site ID of where employee is located. Must be a valid Site Id.
e_mail Yes Employee's Email Address
phone No Employee's Phone Number
pager No Employee's Pager/Beeper Number
online_priv_class Yes Privilege Class. Must be an existing privilege class.
offline_priv_class No Offline Privilege Class.
id No Employee's Id.
is_active Yes Is this employee an active employee?
allow_proxy Yes Allow proxy use
start_date No Employee Start Date
supervisor No Employee's supervisor. This value should be the login_name
of an existing employee that is designated as a supervisor.
work_group No Employee's workgroup. Must be a valid workgroup, or left blank.
If left blank, the default workgroup will be used.
work_group_start No Date that the employee started in the workgroup.
labor_rate No Employee's Labor Rate
is_supervisor Yes Is this employee a supervisor?
is_fe Yes Is this employee a field engineer?
normal_biz_high No Notification Preference – Normal Business Hours – High Priority
normal_biz_mid No Notification Preference – Normal Business Hours – Medium Priority
normal_biz_low No Notification Preference – Normal Business Hours – Low Priority
after_biz_high No Notification Preference – After Business Hours – High Priority
after _biz_mid No Notification Preference – After Business Hours – Medium Priority
after _biz_low No Notification Preference – After Business Hours – Low Priority
def_wipbin_title No Title of employee's default wipbin. If left blank, it will be "default"
rc_config No Resource Config employee should be placed in.
If left blank, the employee will be placed in the baseline resource config.
def_tablespace No Oracle only - Default Tablespace for user.
If left blank, the user's default tablespace will be set to "users".
temp_tablespace No Oracle only - Temporary Tablespace for user.
If left blank, the user's temporary tablespace will be set to "temp".
int_fld1, int_fld2 No Names of additional fields on table_employee to write
str_fld1, str_fld2
int_val1, int_val2 No Values for the additional fields. These values are only used if the
str_val1, str_val2 corresponding field name field is filled with a valid field name
fld_list Yes List of additional field names on table_employee to write.
List must be present, but does not need to have any items in the list
type_list Yes List of additional field data types to write. List must be present, but does not
need to have any items in the list
val_list Yes List of additional field values to write. List must be present, but does not
need to have any items in the list
Value Meaning
0 No errors
-1 First Name is required
-2 Last Name is required
-3 Login Name is required
-4 Password is required
-5 Site Id is required
-6 Email Address is required
-7 Online Privilege Class is required
-8 The supplied workgroup was not found
-9 Could not find the specified site
-10 Could not find the specified privilege class
-11 Could not find the specified offline privilege class
-12 Could not find an offline privilege class
-13 Could not find the specified supervisor
-14 A user with the same login name already exists
-15 Could not find the specified resource config
-16 Could not find the baseline resource config
-17 A user with the same username already exists in the system tables
-18 Unable to create the database user/login
ret_objid Output Returns the objid of the employee
ret_objid2 Output Returns the objid of the user
· Add a new employee.
Visual Basic:
first_name = "Joe"
last_name = "User"
login_name = "joe_user"
password = "password"
site_id = "INT1"
e_mail = first_name + ""
online_priv_class = "CSR"
offline_priv_class = "Offline User"
Id = "100"
is_active = True
allow_proxy = True
is_supervisor = True
is_fe = True
labor_rate = "100.00"
start_date = "1/1/2000"
supervisor = "sa"
work_group = "Quality Engineer"
work_group_start = "12/27/2002"
normal_biz_high = "Notifier"
normal_biz_mid = "Notifier"
normal_biz_low = "Notifier"
after_biz_high = "Digital Pager"
after_biz_mid = "Digital Pager"
after_biz_low = "Digital Pager"
def_wipbin_title = "my stuff"
rc_config = "custom"
phone = "512-418-2905"
pager = "1-800-skytel x101"
def_tablespace = ""
temp_tablespace = ""
int_fld1 = ""
int_val1 = 0
int_fld2 = ""
int_val2 = 0
str_fld1 = ""
str_val1 = ""
str_fld2 = ""
str_val2 = ""
date_fld1 = ""
date_val1 = ""
ret_int = fcinter.create_employee(first_name, last_name, _
login_name, password, _
site_id, e_mail, _
phone, pager, _
online_priv_class, offline_priv_class, _
Id, is_active, _
allow_proxy, start_date, _
supervisor, work_group, _
work_group_start, labor_rate, _
is_supervisor, is_fe, _
normal_biz_high, normal_biz_mid, _
normal_biz_low, after_biz_high, _
after_biz_mid, after_biz_low, _
def_wipbin_title, rc_config, _
def_tablespace, temp_tablespace, _
int_fld1, int_val1, _
int_fld2, int_val2, _
str_fld1, str_val1, _
str_fld2, str_val2, _
date_fld1, date_val1)
If ret_int = 0
EmployeeObjid = fcinter.ret_objid
UserObjid = fcinter.ret_objid2
End If
first_name = "Joe"
last_name = "User"
login_name = "joe_user"
password = "password"
site_id = "INT1"
e_mail = first_name + ""
online_priv_class = "CSR"
offline_priv_class = "Offline User"
Id = "100"
is_active = True
allow_proxy = True
is_supervisor = True
is_fe = True
labor_rate = "125.00"
start_date = "1/1/2000"
supervisor = "sa"
work_group = "Quality Engineer"
work_group_start = "12/27/2002"
normal_biz_high = "Notifier"
normal_biz_mid = "Notifier"
normal_biz_low = "Notifier"
after_biz_high = "Digital Pager"
after_biz_mid = "Digital Pager"
after_biz_low = "Digital Pager"
def_wipbin_title = "my stuff"
rc_config = "custom"
phone = "512-418-2905"
pager = "1-800-skytel x101"
def_tablespace = ""
temp_tablespace = ""
int_fld1 = '';
int_val1 = 0;
int_fld2 = '';
int_val2 = 0;
str_fld1 = '';
str_val1 = '';
str_fld2 = '';
str_val2 = '';
date_fld1 = '';
date_val1 = '';
var ret_int = fcinter.create_employee(first_name, last_name,
login_name, password,
site_id, e_mail,
phone, pager,
Id, is_active,
allow_proxy, start_date,
supervisor, work_group,
work_group_start, labor_rate,
is_supervisor, is_fe,
normal_biz_high, normal_biz_mid,
normal_biz_low, after_biz_high,
after_biz_mid, after_biz_low,
def_wipbin_title, rc_config,
def_tablespace, temp_tablespace,
int_fld1, int_val1,
int_fld2, int_val2,
str_fld1, str_val1,
str_fld2, str_val2,
date_fld1, date_val1);
if (ret_int == 0) {
var EmployeeObjid = fcinter.ret_objid;
var UserObjid = fcinter.ret_objid2;